Blacklisted Loans Plan

Regain Control of Your Finances

More and more people are turning towards a blacklisted loans plan to find their way out of crushing debt.

We, at Blacklist Loans understand that life can feel like a never-ending cycle of debt when you are constantly struggling to get everything paid off.  Not to mention, the bad credit record that follows you around like a dark cloud, day in day out.  

Our counsellors can help you break the vicious cycle of debt by crafting a practical blacklisted loans plan for you that will help you regain full control of your finances.


Benefits of a Blacklisted Loans Plan

  • Affordable monthly instalments and sufficient living expenses
  • No more harassment from credit providers as your debt counsellor deals with them
  • the NCA protects you from being blacklisted, if you aren’t already
  • If your application is successful, credit providers can’t take legal action against you
  • Reduced monthly instalments and lower interest rates
  • Extended repayment period
  • Helps you regain control of your finances and become debt-free


Prevention is Better Than Cure 

Once we have helped you achieve your financial goal of becoming debt-free, it is important to avoid sliding back into the same old patterns that caused you to become over-indebted in the first place. 

That is why we, at Blacklist Loans ensure that all of your creditors get at least something every month to avoid any penalty fees or unnecessary interest rates.

We will develop an affordable blacklisted loans plan for you and negotiate smaller monthly instalments with your credit providers for you, so you never have to go without ever gain.

Call us on 087 702 5445 to get your own blacklisted loans plan today or fill in our online application form and we will get back to you in no time at all!

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