Blacklisted Loans Counselling
Many indebted South Africans are in denial when it comes to their finances and, therefore, avoid seeking blacklisted loans counselling because they are so overwhelmed and simply don’t know where to begin in order to tackle the problem effectively.
Here is a list of practical steps to help gently ease you into blacklisted loans counselling:
1. Acknowledge that debt has a very negative impact on your life
The first and often biggest step towards solving a problem is to admit that you indeed have one. Debt stress is very real and takes a toll on your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. Admitting to yourself that you need to address your financial state is the essential first step on the path to receiving professional blacklisted loans counselling and eventually becoming debt-free.
2. Work out a rough estimate of what you owe
It is good to at least have a rough idea of what your debt obligations are, as well as the names and numbers of the credit providers you owe money too. Writing it all down is not only cathartic, as it prevents you from turning your situation into a nightmare in your head, but it will also be of great use to your advisor when you contact us for blacklisted loans counselling.
3. Prepare a practical monthly budget
One of the most effective ways of putting your finances in order is, of course, to draw up a monthly budget for yourself so you can actually monitor your spending. Set down your income as well as your expenses and take careful note of changes in price, fees, interest, taxes etc. So you know what to set aside for your monthly instalments before you overspend. Your advisor will require this information from you when you go in for blacklisted loans counselling, so it is good to have a budget on hand.
4. Make paying off your debt a priority
A great way to ensure that you don’t fall short on your payments is to draft a payment plan that ranks your debt obligations in order of priority, so that those with the highest interest rates are attended to first and foremost. Paying these off first will reduce the total amount of interest you end up paying. Your advisor will draw up a more detailed payment plan for you as part of your blacklisted loans counselling, but a rough draft will be very useful in helping us develop the initial structure.
Call us on 087 702 5445 for expert blacklisted loans counselling today or fill in our online application form and we will get back to you shortly!