You may be wondering how to check if you are blacklisted. Well, how it works is each credit bureau is required to provide you with one free credit report per year, should you request a copy. If you ask to be sent more than one credit report in a year, it will cost you only R25.00 including VAT to receive the second copy.
As a consumer, you must remember that it is your right to challenge any of the information listed under your credit profile if you feel it is inaccurate.
If you have any questions regarding your rights as a consumer you can call the National Credit Regulator on 0860 627 627 or visit their website
As part of your credit profile, the credit bureaus maintain an account payment information section or a payment profile along with the rest of your other credit details and they will make this information available to you when you request to be sent a copy of your credit record.
Your credit profile will show you whether or not you have default data, non-payment or habitual late payments of accounts, or a history of honouring the credit agreements listed under your name.