
15 Hard Truths Consumers Face after July Rate Hike

Jul 24, 2015

  1. After the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) meeting, newly appointed South African Reserve Bank (Sarb) Governor, Lesetja Kganyago announced a July rate hike by 0.25% or 25 basis points.
  1. 4 MPC members favoured a 0.25% repo rate increase, while 2 MPC members were in support of it staying the same.
  1. The motivation behind Sarb’s July rate hike was to prevent the possibility of an out-of-control inflation spiral.

  1. Though the South African economy remains standing despite the Greek crisis, we’ve seen the rand slump alongside key-player currencies.
  1. Sarb couldn’t put off the July rate hike any longer, as slow growth, a weaker rand and sharply accelerating inflation continued to injure the economy.
  1. The repo rate sprung to 6% and the prime lending rate leapt to 9.5%.
  1. Further rate hikes are expected at the end of 2015 or start of 2016, as part of a larger hiking cycle designed to normalise rates and subdue inflation gradually.
  1. Since the beginning of 2014, lending rates have increased by 100%!
  1. At the same time, consumers have been hit with rising municipal fees and higher food prices due to drought, leaving them barely able to make ends meet.
  1. Oil prices are expected to spike, which means petrol prices will resume with their monthly jumps.
  1. Consumer confidence is at a 14-year low, mining and manufacturing is down, job security is threatened, load-shedding will continue, and further proposed electricity tariff hikes are on the way!
  1. Even though y/y inflation was at an unexpectedly lower 4.7% in June, it’s predicted to rupture the 6% Sarb inflation ceiling, while FNB anticipates the inflation rate to rocket above 7% in 2016’s first quarter.
  1. Debt repayments and debt-servicing costs will be higher, weighing heavy on already strained household cash flow and consumer spending power. Consumer confidence will drop even lower, while car and bond repayments will increase.
  1. As it is, consumers are struggling with overwhelming debt and the increasingly unreasonable costs of living. Repayment on a R1 million home loan, with a term of 20 years, will cost R163 more per month now, and R1956 more per year.
  1. The demand for property and property sales will slow, as buyers will no longer find homes affordable, while home owners will hold back on selling, opting for renovation instead.



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